The third of four ber months is upon us.

Catholics set aside the month of November for the souls in purgatory. Likewise, there is much to do as pro-lifers as the year is near its end.

Here is your monthly checklist

  1. Help Pro-America candidates across the finish line
  2. Set aside time to remember the faithfully departed
  3. Collect food for families on the margins
  4. Coordinate a baby shower for a mom who said “yes” to life but is in need of maternity items
  5. Take part in the #GivingTuesday campaign on November 29th by supporting pro-life organizations.
  6. Take time to give thanks to God for the gift of life
  7. Continue to be a peaceful and loving presence outside of abortion facilities in your community
  8. Promote the message of life before, during, and after the midterms.
  9. Ask your pastor or priest to hold a Holy Hour or Prayer Service for an end to abortion.
  10. Take part in the Flame of Love rosary campaign to save a million souls trapped in purgatory.
  11. Wear pro-life apparel everywhere you go. Good conversation starters for those inclined to have an open mind with the issue.

Happy November. May God bless your efforts

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer for all our Faithful Followers

Even with all we have endured this year we still have a lot for which we can be thankful.  Please enjoy this Thanksgiving with your family and friends and try to forget all your worries and fears, at least for a day. Sharing a prayer below that my family uses on Thanksgiving. 

We at Voices for Life  wish all our faithful followers a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving Day.

A prayer for Thanksgiving

Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues through the many postings on our blog and other social media sites.

We cover issues from conception until natural death, as well as all family life issues. 

We are a Christian publication which puts Christ at the forefront of our battle against the source of all the evils in our society. 

We strive to bring you the most insightful information about the abortion issue, articles and links to the many Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Homes, as well as articles on adoption and natural family planning.

We are a voice for the unborn, the handicapped, the elderly, the disabled, family values and for all God’s children whose lives are in peril.

Follow us on FacebookTwitterPinterest,  and Parler.   Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.  

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” – Albert Einstein